Saturday 26 November 2011

Im sorry

Ok... So I've been M.I.A for a few, due apologies.

So here's the update of my life since I last blogged.

1) We celebrated lil' miss divas 2nd birthday, we had a Teddy bears tea party theme for her party with a few friends and family. As we don't have a back garden anymore we transformed her bedroom into a makeshift garden along with a homemade playhouse and balloon's and all the kids soft toys sitting in clusters on the floor with toy picnics. We used a red paper party table cloth as the picnic blanket for the kids to have their lunch on which consisted of teddy bear shaped sandwiches and teddy bear shaped shortbread biscuits, homemade by me the night before, pom bear crisps and gummy bear Harry Bow sweets. So basically everything was teddy bear shaped/ related. And of course a teddy bears picnic cake all made by me.

Kiddies started full time nursery.

The nursery had a new children welcoming party, which the kids enjoyed. However when it can to settling the kids in a few weeks before they where due to start miss diva didn't take to it very well. Mr man settled in without a hitch as always and miss diva had to have 8 settling in days with me in the room with her, which was very stressful for us both. I felt like such a bad mother as she cried every time I moved more than 2 feet away from her, I felt sooooo bad like i was hurting her.

Now she completely fine and doesn't want to go home sometime. lol.

First day at nursery

Welcome to nursery party

Other stuff that's happened...

I'm back at university the first few weeks were great as I was back in the company of other adults and not surrounded by everything child related, but my oh my it is such had work looking after 2 small children and going to uni. My day consist of getting myself and kids dressed rushing kids to nursery then rushing off to uni, rushing back to uni to pick kids up, back home feed kids bathe kids put kids to bed, eat if i remember, do some uni work then pass out and do it all over again the next day.

Its all for the greater good I keep telling myself!!!!!!!

And that's about it really. x