Thursday 14 July 2011

Hissy fits and tanturms

Let me ask you a question?

Is it really a big deal if you and your other half are arguing and you either a) kick him out of the house for the night or b) go out for a few hours so the both of you can have a bit of cool down time???? 

You'll see why I ask this in a bit.

My day begins as it always does hubs has gone off to work lil' man is snuggled up next to me in bed miss diva is still sound asleep in her bed thank goodness so I get a few more hours in bed. Yay me....
Finally we're all up and ready to start the day at a very late 11.30am. Sort kids out give breakfast, dress ect ect.

Spend the morn/afternoon on the phone trying to sort the kids nursery places out for September along with a number of other things. Give the kids their lunch some left over pasta from last nights dinner (relevant to the pending hissy fit) feeling tired so decide to put the kids down for a nap about 2.30ish, not because they needed a nap more because I needed 1 (come on don't make that face we've all done it from time to time) a overly hot room and a sweaty bed partner does not make for a good night's sleep so I've got to make it up somewhere. lol.

Gosh that nap was sooooo needed I feel refreshed now. As I promised the kids the day before that we would make a red velvet cake with white chocolate ganache, we head off to Tesco's, mind you it takes me about 45 mins to sort us all out just to go for a 10 min walk down the road. Yes I'm still trying to cut down the amount of time it takes me to get us out of the house. My timing is ridiculous ranging from 45mins to about 2 hours (blush, blush, blush) I'm known for being late to pretty much everything, which is not a good thing I no I'm working on it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :-)

Back home now getting dinner ready while mixing up ingredient's for the cake having poke chops, OH NO there's only 3 which mean hubs won't have any to take to work for lunch..... humm shouldn't be tooo much of a big deal right...... humm so you'd think..

Hubs gets in from work sorts the kids out and put them to bed finally at about 10.30/11 pm we manage to sit down to eat dinner while eating I say to hubs
I gave the kids the left over pasta for their dinner, you don't mind do you there wasn't that much so I don't think you would take it for lunch and there wasn't enough chops to do for your lunch so you'll have to make something for lunch.
hubs say yeah that's cool...... low and behold things were not cool as he put it... Cue hissy fit

While my darling hubs is doing the washing up he turns and say to me that I could have cooked the kids something else for their lunch instead of giving them the pasta that he could have taken to work the next day (I'm totally taken aback by this) so naturally my backs up.

So rather than spending 10 mins doing your lunch I should have let the kids wait an extra 30 mins to an hour for their lunch just to save him sometime all 10 mins of it.....

This turns into an all mighty argument ending in me asking or rather telling him to go and spend the night at his mother's so we can calm down and talk things over the following day. This doesn't go down to good either.

as we are now raising our voices and the kids are in bed sleeping as its 1am I again tell him that he has to go to his mother's before this minor thing turn into a bigger fight than it already has.

He finally leaves and calls me when he gets to his mums house and he doesn't seem to understand why I thought it was the best thing to do....

So as I asked before if you are arguing with your partner what would you do? ok so maybe telling him to leave might have been a tad bit extreme ( my tantrum) but suggesting 1 of you goes out for a few hours or for a walk to allow the tension to cool.

Total chaos!!